I've been filtering through our desktop this week and backing up a lot of our files on CD. I came across my Anthropologie portfolio pictures and thought it might be fun to share some.I worked as a Display Coordinator or Installation Artist for Anthropologie in Charlotte, NC for the 2 years prior to moving to Denver last May. It's kind of hard to describe exactly what I did, but these pictures should help. I'm attaching mostly window projects this time, but maybe I'll share more another time. With installations constantly changing at least monthly, and a complete overhaul 4 times a year there are a lot of pictures to sort through. I've also attached one of my art room. Most Monday-Fridays 7am-4pm you would have found me here...(mine was actually one of the cleaner ones.)
Basically I was in charge of creating the aesthetic in the store. Some displays were home office directed, while others were unique to each display coordinator, but all were concept driven. If I remember right, I've attached Holiday 05 "Nest"(one of my favorite concepts), 2 Summer and 1 Spring window installation. I did everything from ideation and sketches, to supply shopping, to prep work, and final installation. It was a lot of fun at times and a lot of hard work all the time.
Aside from the 5 main display areas in the store (windows, cashwrap, 2 in apparel, and 1 in home), all of the signage, building projects, and handyman work were also my job. I learned how to use a variety of power tools, electrically wire and install chandeliers and other things that looked "super cool" lit up, and I am no longer afraid of really tall ladders...well maybe still a little, but not as much. And I probably used hot glue, paint, a sewing maching, and dewalt drill on a daily basis. I'm happy to say I was one of the few display coordinators that walked away relatively unharmed. Aside from minor cuts, way too much spray paint inhalation, and drilling my finger a few times, I consider myself pretty lucky.
Anyways, I don't think anyone has seen these other than Spencer, so enjoy.
You're so cool...now back to potty training (can I come live with you until she figures this out?)
i love that you put these up. if only the topiary survived longer than it did. a small project, it may have been, but if i remember correctly, it was the all star project of the opening. all the corporate dudes liked to hold the fuzz balls, carry them around... petting them. weird.
okay, creative- I can't believe you! you are the most amazing girl ever. i can only imagine how sad they must have been to see you move! nobody has knack like that!
This is my dream job! Working as a display coordinator for anthropologie! I'm am an art major, I have studied everything from drawing to graphic design but my concentration is sculpture and 3-D design. Any advice on how to stand out when applying for this job?
Looks like its been a while since you made this post, but I am wondering how you went about getting this job. I lived in Charlotte until after I graduated from college but am considering moving back. I have a BFA in Sculpture and would love to use my skills from that to coordinate displays. Do you have any tips on getting a job like this or know how I can get my foot in the door? Thanks a ton :)
Like those who have posted before me I would like to know how you found yourself in such a great position. I have worked in several visual positions but never at the full time level. my biggest accomplishment would have been freelancing at the macy's on state street chicago windows during the holiday season. I have graduated from art school and have experience in sewing, painting, sculpting,etc. I have applied in chicago area anthrolpolie stores but have a hard time getting noticed. Do you have any recomendations on how to get in for an interview?
Hi! Nice Work!
My name is Rachael and I came across your blog while searching for a display coordinator job with Anthropologie.
If you don't mind me asking, what kind of experience are they looking for, and how much did they pay?
I'm a recent Art Grad, and that seems like my dream job! You can email me with your response if you'd like: rachael@raqart.org
Thank you!
I searched for display coordinator and low and behold, I see my current office pictured here! Hello, from the current Northlake display coordinator.
just so you know, you are some kind of celeb at anthro. i currently work for them as a display coordinator and i recognize your display and sketches in the manual for design basics.
you're pretty much a rockstar.
hi, i just found this post and i'm wondering if i could email you and ask you some questions about your time at anthropologie? i'm interviewing for a position as a display coordinator at the anthropologie store near me in a couple of weeks and would love to talk to someone who's familiar with this position. my email address is: sary.em@gmail.com. thanks!
Wow! Your work is great!!
I am a freelance scenic designer, prop builder and scenic artist, and have enjoyed the windows at Anthropologie for years. I would love to know if the store provided a studio and a budget for buying, storing and prepping all of the objects that would go into an installation. One of the biggest challenges for me working on my own is finding room to store and build things.
I interned at the Anthro in Beverly Hills and absolutely loved it! Did you ever have an intern or did you have a partner to work with?? To save money, they stopped having two people do the work and decided to have one person in charge and an intern to help. Was it difficult to get the job? I did the internship and there were no openings in CA for display coordinator.
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