So, I just got home last weekend from spending a week with my sister and her family in Peoria Illinois. Her husband Andrew is a med student at the "UofI" there, and has been m.i.a with his nose in the books for the past few months, so Alisa, and I, were both in need of some serious play time!
I arrived on a Saturday afternoon and our first stop on the way home was Ikea of course, love that place! The days that followed were packed with "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", furniture refinishing, serious crafting/decorating, emergency room trips (well, just one, but almost two, poor Owen), girl movies (sorry Andrew), crooked french pedicures (hilarious), rental cars, a little shopping of course, and a flight home that was delayed four hours...uuugghhh. It was exciting, and so fun, well everything except the flight part...airports stink!
And we went out with a bang, there are pictures of Owen to prove it. The morning before I left He tripped and took a nose dive into the tile, OUCH!
It was so fun to visit, and so hard to leave, i cry every time. But I'm glad I have such a rockin' cool sister and brother in-law, and the most irresistible niece and nephew, to visit. Alisa and Andrew you are doing such an incredible job with those kids, I admire your family so much and hope to have kids as great as yours one day. I love you Petersons, and thanks for letting me come!
Andi it sounds like you had lots of fun in peoria. Wish I could have been there. I love the pictures!!!
I saw your blog on Cindy's. I am so happy to see that you started your own Photography business. I know that you will be very successful. You have much talent! You guys are moving to Hawaii? What are the details on that? Did Spencer get a job there I am assuming? I'll keep checking in on ya!
it looks like you and alisa had so much fun! I love the pictures!
Come back!! Please!!
We love you...it was so fun to have you here.
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