I've been filtering through our desktop this week and backing up a lot of our files on CD. I came across my Anthropologie portfolio pictures and thought it might be fun to share some.I worked as a Display Coordinator or Installation Artist for Anthropologie in Charlotte, NC for the 2 years prior to moving to Denver last May. It's kind of hard to describe exactly what I did, but these pictures should help. I'm attaching mostly window projects this time, but maybe I'll share more another time. With installations constantly changing at least monthly, and a complete overhaul 4 times a year there are a lot of pictures to sort through. I've also attached one of my art room. Most Monday-Fridays 7am-4pm you would have found me here...(mine was actually one of the cleaner ones.)Basically I was in charge of creating the aesthetic in the store. Some displays were home office directed, while others were unique to each display coordinator, but all were concept driven. If I remember right, I've attached Holiday 05 "Nest"(one of my favorite concepts), 2 Summer and 1 Spring window installation. I did everything from ideation and sketches, to supply shopping, to prep work, and final installation. It was a lot of fun at times and a lot of hard work all the time.Aside from the 5 main display areas in the store (windows, cashwrap, 2 in apparel, and 1 in home), all of the signage, building projects, and handyman work were also my job. I learned how to use a variety of power tools, electrically wire and install chandeliers and other things that looked "super cool" lit up, and I am no longer afraid of really tall ladders...well maybe still a little, but not as much. And I probably used hot glue, paint, a sewing maching, and dewalt drill on a daily basis. I'm happy to say I was one of the few display coordinators that walked away relatively unharmed. Aside from minor cuts, way too much spray paint inhalation, and drilling my finger a few times, I consider myself pretty lucky.Anyways, I don't think anyone has seen these other than Spencer, so enjoy.
Spencer and I just got back this evening from a weekend road trip to Salt Lake City, Utah. We left Friday at 1:30pm and got into Provo around 9:30pm. Long drive right? Surprisingly, it wasn't bad. Good company, good music, and it was pretty incredible up in the mountains. The leaves have just started to change, and I'd forgotten how dramatic the landscape out west can be.To recap: we crashed with Nate and Julie at BYU Friday night and then Saturday we headed to Mt. Timpanogos for the wedding festivities, Jen Miller..now Jen Lee, got married. After the sealing we headed back to Provo for dinner with Nate and Julie, and then all the way to Salt Lake for some play time with Aubry. It was so fun to be able to see everybody, even if it was only for a few hours. Whew...It was a quick trip, too quick if you ask me, but well worth it! I thought about the wedding a lot on the drive home and was feeling pretty lucky to have such good friends. I cant believe it had been 3 years since we last saw each other. I met Jen and Mishelle on Vashon Island, Washington in 2000 during our first semester of college. Even though we went our separate ways in the years that followed that freshman adventure, they have remained two of my most favorite people. You two are hilarious by the way, and I've been re-inspired to be a better keep-in-toucher. Here's to our triple date vacation!Oh, and Mishelle, I've had this song stuck in my head since I saw you yesterday, so in honor of Fall here goes:"Come said the wind to the leaves one day, Come to the meadow with me and play, Put on your dresses of red and gold, For the summer is gone and the days grow cold."

So, I just got home last weekend from spending a week with my sister and her family in Peoria Illinois. Her husband Andrew is a med student at the "UofI" there, and has been m.i.a with his nose in the books for the past few months, so Alisa, and I, were both in need of some serious play time!
I arrived on a Saturday afternoon and our first stop on the way home was Ikea of course, love that place! The days that followed were packed with "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", furniture refinishing, serious crafting/decorating, emergency room trips (well, just one, but almost two, poor Owen), girl movies (sorry Andrew), crooked french pedicures (hilarious), rental cars, a little shopping of course, and a flight home that was delayed four hours...uuugghhh. It was exciting, and so fun, well everything except the flight part...airports stink!
And we went out with a bang, there are pictures of Owen to prove it. The morning before I left He tripped and took a nose dive into the tile, OUCH!It was so fun to visit, and so hard to leave, i cry every time. But I'm glad I have such a rockin' cool sister and brother in-law, and the most irresistible niece and nephew, to visit. Alisa and Andrew you are doing such an incredible job with those kids, I admire your family so much and hope to have kids as great as yours one day. I love you Petersons, and thanks for letting me come!