Sunday, April 24, 2011

the late night shuffle

ever since we had harrison, olive has been in a big girl bed.

and ever since we had harrison, our nights have been some variation of the following:

olive in our bed
me and olive in her bed
spencer and olive in her bed
me and harrison in our bed
me, harrison and olive in our bed
spencer in olive's bed...

it's craziness!
and every morning we wake up in a different order.
i need a vacation.
but i'd settle for a nap too.


MiShelle said...

This has me concerned....that's our next move before the new baby.In fact, I have his furniture being painted as we speak. I have exactly 6 weeks from today to figure out what to do. HELP!

robin said...

take a vacation... to see ME!

Alisa said...

it makes me sleepy just reading that...