photos courtesy of robin.
(i'm too lazy to pull out the old scanner, one dusty thing at a time please.)
my fingers were raw by the time i was done, but it was well worth the hurt.
it's hard to imagine that there was a time in my life where my guitar was a daily thing.
now i can probably count the times that i've really played in the last 5 years on 1 hand=sad.
it made me want to dig out old college videos and relive my "glory days".
byu-idaho has a campus event called "guitars unplugged" that i played at a few times.
the first time i performed, i played "amazing grace" solo.
the second time three guitars played "worlds apart" -jars of clay
there was also two guitars and two drums "had to say i love you in a song" -jim croce
then "drive" -incubus, two guitars and an egg shaker
"your song" -elton john, two guitars a piano and a cello (my favorite)
"you and i both" -jason mraz, two guitars and an egg shaker
i've been daydreaming since sunday night.
i may be spending some quality time with the old VHS later today.
You're so much cooler than I am...seriously. Can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks. Hopefully by then I won't look like a vampire. :)
bah! i just gave my vhs to goodwill....... no more shanty vids for me.... unless i'm at your house. which, we're highly overdue for a visit where we stay up all night, relive 2002, paint nails, drink diet coke, and eat something sweet.
oh, the glory days! makes my heart ache a bit.
i love, love, love that you pulled out your guitar again! maybe one night you can sing me to sleep like the old days . . .
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