i was asked to demonstrate an egg dying technique at a church activity this week.
"tie dying" eggs.
apparently, if you get a 100% silk tie, wrap it around an egg and boil it in vinegar and water the pattern transfers. I blew my eggs out, but you could hard boil the whole thing too.
i just wanted the option to keep them if they turned out well.
they're kind of swirly and funny where the fabric didn't make good contact, or where they floated to the top, but overall i think they're pretty charming.
this may be a new easter tradition.
That is an awesome idea! I will have to try it. Can't wait to see you guys next week!
Andrew's mom did this with our kids while she was here. They loved it and it was way less messy than the usual way. I think it might be a new tradition for us too.
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