Wednesday, April 4, 2012

day by day

jan-march 2012:
harrison is growing like a weed. we found out yesterday that he's 75% for height, whoa. following in his sister's footsteps, she came in at 95% for height. apparently we grow them BIG. 
harrison transitioned to a new forward facing carseat last month, and he loves to eat. like, loves. to. eat!
he can say mama, dada, da (dog), ba (ball) and he can sign "milk", "more" and "all done". his big sister picks on him relentlessly but he can't stand to be away from her, no one can make him laugh like she can.
this picture. i die...i made him.
feeling a bit winter-wonder locked back in february, and waiting anxiously for the first signs of spring.
playing outside on the warmer days and dodging the frequent rain that comes with spring in idaho.
olive took this picture of harrison. i kind of LOVE it!
4:00 most any day-witching hour.
we have discovered that in addition to packing tape dispensers, and kid screams on monster's inc, harrison is terrified of carousel rides.
olive is pushing all boundaries lately. she thinks she can do e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g herself. she's discovered playing outside with friends, she's on her bike as much as possible and she's fast. the other morning i went upstairs to switch laundry, and i came down to find a chair by the front door, and it swinging wide open. she had climbed up, unlocked both locks and taken her brother out front to play. harrison was sitting in the dirt on my flowers, thankfully and olive was off riding bikes with her neighborhood posse. BUT holy panic! i do appreciate the break, but it's sort of anxiety ridden appreciation the whole time. we're new at this 3 year old independence thing.
fly tying 101 with papa
she is in love with david archuleta's version of "i'm trying to be like jesus" i totally get it olive, i kind of love him too.
we've entered the world of computer games, and discovered that is a great bribe for good behavior.
spencer and i have been working in the yard a lot. i think the things i dreamed of most before we had a home were home design projects and yard work. 
spencer built a garden box and we planted onions and peas last saturday. we have basil, cilantro and bell peppers in the window pining for warmer weather and a yellow wire tomato cage just waiting to be spruced up with red fruit. i feel like a kid waiting for Christmas.
we've also been picking up plants here and there. our back yard was essentially dirt beds when we moved in, and we just bought the most amazing english roses for under our kitchen window. david austin scepter d'isle. google it, dreamy.
a sunday walk by the river. cut short by the rain, but still.

we're also planning summer and setting aside our 2012 something(s) to look forward to.

so far:
  • a week in island park with my family
  • a girls trip to monterey.
  • pool time in july with the peterson's and the newest family babe.
  • and a (hopeful) trip to north carolina (in-laws, 100 mile bike ride and the BEACH!), fingers crossed.


aubry. said...

whoa. that was a lot.
but i want to live your life, so i enjoyed every second of it.

and you forgot burley.

Nate and Julie said...

Thanks for the update. Clara loves David A. as well. These girls need to be neighbors.