Sunday, April 8, 2012


feeling grateful today.

i received some difficult news yesterday that a college roommate's husband, who has been battling hodgkins lymphoma since last august, was to be taken off of life support today after complications due to a recent bought of pneumonia. 
you can read the story here.

it's been a difficult weekend for us girls. it's awful to hear of such immense heartache in one of our own, and it's difficult to know what to do or say. aubry wrote about it beautifully here.

as i was walking to church today with my sweet family in the most perfect spring weather, my mind turned again to carrie and her family and all my "shanty" girls. despite being scattered across the country, i felt close to them today. i knew we were united in thought, and prayer, and faith, and love for carrie and one another. 

so today, easter sunday, i'm praying a little harder, holding my family a little tighter and feeling grateful for the things that really matter most in life.

and on this beautiful holiday above ALL else, i'm grateful for my Savior, for his perfect life, his selfless death, his essential resurrection, and his atoning sacrifice that truly, truly reaches us all, even especially in times like these.


aubry. said...

I'm crying. And I'll keep crying until I get to wrap my arms around you tomorrow night. Right about now, a dose of shanty-ness is all I can think of to make this a little bit more bearable.

Diane said...

Tears in my eyes. I love you guys so. Those kids just kill me they are so precious.

MiShelle said...

You're so sweet Andi. Happy Easter.