Thursday, March 8, 2012

remember that one time in december...

when we had family pictures taken? 
like, we got up in the morning, threw together a few outfits (mine and olive's are ALL wrong, and i forgot lipgloss)and drove 10 minutes to old state street.
got to take advantage of my father in law when he's in town and handy with a camera. bless that man and his patience.
it went pretty much like this:
and there you have it, marshall family photos 2011.


MiShelle said...

Hey that last one is PERFECT. You're lucky. Man family photos are such a stress. You look great!

Jennie said...

Those are so sweet! Love the one infront of the door. Both kiddos look so happy! And "for throwing outfits together," I'd say either I shouldn't think so much about ours, or try harder.