Saturday, June 4, 2011

"oh the times they are a changin'"

looking back, may 2011 was a big month for us.
olive is now officially potty trained.
harrison tried solid foods for the first time, is rolling over, and had his 4 month photos taken.
i hit and surpassed my post pregnancy weight goal. yeah!
spencer got a new job! he'll be working 40 hours in addition to the design work he's doing currently. we'll be busy, but it's a great opportunity and he's excited to join the corporate design world.

it's true what they say, nothing is as constant as change.


Alisa said...

May WAS a great month for you guys! So excited for Spencer...and geez, skinny girl! Looking good! Can't wait to see you in 6 days!
P.S. Love the new blog look!

robin said...

congratulations on the job! that's exciting!

and you look so great... congratulations on your weight goal. it took me over a year to get down to my pre pregnancy weight, but then i went to nyc and well, it really set me back...

sheesh, can we be neighbors already?