Thursday, June 30, 2011

2 year olds say funny things.

olive has been talking a lot lately. she's stringing sentences together and she's quite the conversationalist.  lately she's been using the word maybe after a lot of her questions/statements.
go to the park mama? maybe?
have a cookie mama? maybe?

so, this afternoon we had her little pool set up in the backyard. 
while i was feeding harrison, she decided to take my shoe and use it as a cup to carry water from the pool to the flowers around the yard. as soon as i noticed, i asked her more than once to stop please, but being the sassy girl she is, and knowing i was feeding the baby, she just grinned and continued on looking right at me while she did it. AHH.
i got up (while nursing mind you, i'm tricky like that) and ran over to the pool to rescue my shoe. 

i had her sit beside me afterwards and talked to her about listening to me and being nice to other people's things. i think i said something like "it makes me sad when my shoe gets wet in the pool, etc..."
so she says to me:

"sorry mama, get new shoes at the store?"

"no, we need to take care of our things, and what if the store doesn't have them anymore" i said.

{thinking} "at target {pause} maybe?"

i couldn't help but laugh, and my discipline face went straight out the window. i guess we love us some target time just as much as the next style on a budget shopper.

1 comment:

lara said...

you told me that story at the pool.

because i live in boise.

and then we drank diet coke at 10:30 at night.

i want to see olive and harrison NOW!