Thursday, May 5, 2011

innocence and ice cream

it's been warm here lately, and the other night at dinner we heard the all too familiar summer sound of the ice cream man.

i grabbed olive, my spare change and bolted out the front door. i have so many great childhood memories of buying ice cream from the cheery man in his little white truck, and i was excited to share that sweet memory with my baby girl.

we ran from street to street stopping occasionally to listen and locate the adorable little freezer truck that I had pictured in my mind.

as we turned the corner of a neighboring street we found him, but he was NOT AT ALL what i remembered.

sketchy minivan with an ice cream poster and crummy speaker taped to the hood. i was horrified. i almost turned around and walked the other way, but i had built it up so much with the chase that i didn't have the heart to disappoint olive now. i hesitantly walked up to the scary van and was greeted by a man that was equally scary. half a mouthful of teeth, and let's just say he could have benefited from a bigger shirt=gross picture in my head.

i handed over my dollar and walked olive home dreamsicle in hand completely deflated. it wasn't quite the experience i was going for.

were ice cream men always creepy, i just didn't know it as a kid, or is this a new industry for ex-cons?

1 comment:

katina said...

A new industry for cons. Ours is scary too!! And he doesn't even have ice cream sounds more like a cow bell.