We had a great holiday season this year. We were brave and made the 13 hour road trip to Boise for Thanksgiving (really long but so worth it), and it was great to be home for a holiday. We fully experienced the craziness of shopping at 5am on black Friday, and I'd say reaped the rewards with some rockin' deals on Christmas gifts. We had a little get together with family and friends, and it was so fun to see the girls and the group of moms that I love so much.

We were able to break up the return trip and spend a day with Ty and Kumari at their new house in Lehi, UT, and I got to see the lights on Temple Square for the first time.
We spent most of the Christmas holiday at the Leavitts this year with Spencer's family. It was the first time they had all been together for Christmas in some 10 years. Their tree this year was amazing, we spent way too many hours playing Rock Band on Christmas day (love the drums), and the food was incredible as always. I'd say these mustaches win for best gift at the goofy gift exchange.

I was able to squeeze a few photo appointments in over the break as well, including two weddings which I'm happy to report I finally completed and delivered to clients today, and we moved! We're finally getting settled, and I'm home free from photos until after the baby comes. Thank goodness.
Baby update: She's doing great, getting bigger and packing a mean punch. Two weeks to go and we're finally feeling ready. Can't wait to meet our baby girl.

Andi! Your tummy is the cutest! There's nothing like holding your tiny baby and taking in their smells, squeaks and warmth. I can't wait to hear some good news soon!!
Woot! I'm sure people around the world are sighing a collective sigh of relief to know that you are alive and well. Can't wait for the little girl to come. She's going to be so hip...
So where did you guys move to? Love your tummy by the way. Good luck with everything...two weeks isn't too much longer!! Yeah for baby girl!!
oh hallelujah! an update! i was beginning to give up hope . . .
you are the cutest pregnant person. i can't believe it's only two more weeks. i CAN'T wait to see what she looks like and what you name her!!!
glad to hear you're moved and ready for baby . . .
TWO WEEKS! Oh, there is nothing more exciting and miraculous than a brand new baby! You are going to love every minute of it. I'm with Robin, and can't wait to see and hear all the details. This is going to be one DARLING baby! (Just like that tummy.)
yippeee!! So excited for you. don't know if you know I have a blog leifandcorrinabaker.blogspot.com
Yeah for the blog update! I love the tummy pic! We can't wait to see the little girl either!
Glad you had a fun holiday! I keep checking your blog, I can't wait to see your little one!
yay!!!! i can't wait to be aunty cindy again.
and seriously...you really do have the cutest belly ever. and it is so great to hear an update.
we need to talk before that baby comes. maybe sometime this week? love ya!
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