Tuesday, July 29, 2008

the job hunt...

Some of you have already heard, but Spencer was laid off at the end of June. Not very fun news we know, but he really wasn't happy at work, and was looking at making a change anyways. We're just hoping that the way that the change is happening is a blessing in disguise, because it's not much fun right now. Ughh.
Anyways, we thought it might be smart to get the word out that he's looking for work. He's been wanting to make a career change and is most interested in a B2B sales or marketing position. He's pretty great with people and has enjoyed sales in the past.
We're realizing how important it is to network and wanted to make you all aware in case you hear of any good opportunities. We'd love to stay in Denver, but we're open to Utah and the Boise area as well.
We don't want anyone to worry about us, just keep us in mind if you hear of anything.


ATT Hickson said...

Looking for a job kinda sucks but I'm sure that he will find something that will make him much happier! And don't worry, I am already racking my brain of a job he might like here in Dallas. Come on down y'all! Yee haw!

Katie Eagy said...

I hope the job hunt is going well!

Andi, how are you feeling? Hope everything is going well with you and baby. I'd love an update!