Spencer road in the Triple Bypass on July 12th. It was a 120 mile cycling route that climbed three different mountains: Squaw, Loveland, and Vail passes. At the highest point he climbed to almost 12,000 feet in elevation. He started at about 6:45am and crossed the finish line in 5th place out of his team of 40, some 8-9 hours later. Spencer's Dad came into town to support him and it was a lot of fun to have someone to hang out and photograph the ride with. I've posted a couple pictures here, the majority are on the flickr site we put together for the riders to be able to order prints from.
Way to go Spencer, we're so proud of you!
Holy Cow! That's one heck of a race. Good job Spencer!
wow. that's all i can say. good job!
wow, spenc. way to go...very cool.
I'm so impressed! And wow...that cycling uniform looks awesome. :)
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