Wednesday, January 18, 2012


little man turned one yesterday, so i put together a sappy photo montage to music. (as his mother, i kind of love it.)
if you hate these, move along. 

a couple comments/disclaimers about me, mostly:

1) there is a picture of me post labor that is pretty awful. but in my defense i had just conquered the hardest physical agony i'd ever experienced. (i said out loud: "i'm going to die" and meant it with my whole heart...if that gives you any idea.)

*thinking you've just decided to watch huh. you're so mean.

2) there aren't many flattering photos of me with my boy to make up for the first, so i've recommitted myself to documenting ME as the mother of my children. 2012 may just be the year of the hand held self portrait.

3) it's about 5 minutes, just so you know what you're committing to. and if you really love it, there is a 30 minute version complete with video that i'd be happy to show if you head on over. we still have leftover cake and ice cream.

enjoy, or don't.

*i don't know why it's so small...bah.


Alisa said...

The kids and I just watched this and we all LOVED it.
Comments from the peanut gallery:
"Ahh...he's so cute!'"- Ella
"When do we get to see him?" -Owen
"Him's eating cake." -Liam

Can't wait to see him (and all of you) in just a few days!!

jeff and jen said...

Oh that is so cute. . . that last song melts my heart with pictures of little man growing up. Good work. He is sooo sooo cute.

robin said...

oh, i enjoyed it alright! so cute, andi! now i want to go make videos of all my children...

he truly is one of the cutest kids i have ever seen. i can't wait for the day when i can hold him and give him a big squeeze.

MiShelle said...

You look beautiful for the record. You didn't get puffy at all you lucky sucker. So enjoy the lovely post labor you-I think you're gorgeous. 2ndly growing kids break my heart! Fun to see him as a tiny new born. Makes me baby hungry! Ha! Time to think about #3 for you!!!! Great job. I love videos:)

lara said...

he is seriously the cutest kid ever.

katina said...

So cute!!

lara said...

when i was on ride the rockies last year, at one of the aid stations there was this dreamy ski bum boy serving pb&js. i bought one from him and complemented his run dmc shirt and told him, "it's tricky."
he told me i was the first to comment on it and i'm pretty sure he fell in love with me.

anyway, i love harrison's run dmc onesie!

Diane said...

So sweet. Made me cry.

Jennie said...

Blast! The video isn't playing, I'll be right over : ) Such a cute little blog, and your Christmas looked so fun! Your kids are adorable!! And I really, really LOVE that Olive got a guitar. Looking forward to seeing this video!