Monday, July 25, 2011


there is a picture that has been hanging in my mom's entry since i can remember. i've probably read it a thousand times, maybe you have too.

"a hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house i lived in, or the kind of clothes i wore, but the world may be much different because i was important in the life of a child."


robin said...

bring those kids to me now.


i must squeeze.

and that is a lovely quote. i need to remember that...

Marci said...

Oh those babes are darling Andi!

lara said...

i love it! you are an amazing mom. i've been watching:)

aubry. said...

andi.... have you - for humanity's sake - clicked on majid's blog yet? what's wrong with you? get on that!

also - that mini boden dress is a wild success.