Friday, July 22, 2011

a formisano fandango summer

the new faces of!
 oh olive, can we please get over this nose picking in pictures is sooo funny stage, and who did your hair, you look like george washington...
lara's here yo! 
she's partially the reason i haven't blogged in almost a month.
too much fun, and BONUS, i think i've seen cindy and trav more since she's been here than i have in the whole year that proceeded.
we've been swimming, and hiking, and bbqing, and late nighting, and eating out, and road trippin', and talking ooohhh, talking. lara dear, you make me laugh.
now if one of these blind dates would pan out we could make it permanent.
don't go auntie lara, olive will be devastated...not to mention the rest of us.


lara said...

best blog post EVER! i had to.

i'll miss all of hoo. you'd think one of those blind dates would pan out...but alas...

lara said...

and every time i read what you said about olive's hair, i bust up laughing...all by myself. oh my gosh! hilarious.

robin said...

i laughed at the comment about olive's hair too! so funny...

so... when will ALL of you come east? i am dying to meet harrison...