let's talk about cindy.
cindy invited me to her 7th grade birthday party.
i got her a porcelain elephant from six star.
she must have really loved that awful gift because we've been friends ever since.
cindy and i grew up together. we survived junior high, high school, college, a photography major, a semester in hawaii, and countless other milestones; in large part because of one another.
too bad all my old photo albums are in storage, the 12 year old us was pretty awesome!
cindy and her dad taught me to water ski.
cindy and i had countless sleep overs, late night movies we both fell asleep during, and a few sneaky nights meeting up with boys in the backyard.
cindy and i took our senior trip together to san diego.
cindy dyed my hair for the first time in a beach house on mission bay, and maybe the rug too...sorry aunt patty.
cindy can dance.
cindy can make this crazy noise that sounds just like a whale. (i used to always beg her to do it)
cindy has AMAZING legs.
cindy can make me laugh.
cindy is the most thoughtful, genuine, constant, loving person i know.
and how lucky is travis worwood to now call her his wife.
march 25th, 2010 was a cause for celebration!
heck yes, and celebrate we did!
(thank you, andi.)
whoa... there are tears in my eyes.
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