Friday, February 19, 2010

"a helmet for twins"

who knew one of these could be so much fun for my clever husband and darling daughter.


Corrina Baker said...

i don't get it?

Andi said...

they each took a side, wore it on their heads, and called it a helmet for twins.
...and here i was thinking i was being so clever.

aubry. said...

i get it.

i just don't get how spencer's head fit in an a cup.


MiShelle said...

Took me a minute too believe it or not. I got the helmet part but I had to have Jesse sit down and explain everybody else's comments...but now I get them too. And yes, Andi, you ARE clever. I just can't keep up with you.

Corrina Baker said...

oh yeah, i get it now. I am so excited to meet little olive. can i come over and visit lots even though we are staying far far away.