3 days old

Just checked into Labor and Delivery

Recovering with Olive in the Mother and Baby room

6 hours old and perfectly lovely
After an eventful day and 2 hospital trips (no I wasn't being over anxious about delivery), our baby girl arrived on Sunday February 8th. She weighed 7 lbs 7 oz. and is 19 1/2in. long.
Here's the story.
Saturday morning Spencer went for a run with my brother Nate at the reservoir. I got up to take a shower and had a (drop me to my knees and want to die) pain on the left side of my back. I crawled on my knees to the phone and called the doctor who told me to go straight to the hospital. Spencer arrived home shortly after the call (thank goodness) and we headed downtown. After being admitted and tested and monitored they concluded that I had birthed/passed not a baby, but a kidney stone. What? The day before my due date?I've never had a kidney stone before. After spending a couple of hours being monitored and concluding that the worst part was over, they sent us back home.
Later that evening Spencer and I decided to go to Park Meadows mall to "walk." They say that walking a lot can sometimes induce labor. Well, we walked for a couple of hours and then decided to get dinner at the Nordstrom cafe. One margarita pizza and two steps later my water broke. (A girl after my own heart, I love Nordstrom!) I somewhat panicked as we were in public and at Nordstrom after all, but Spencer kept assuring me that nobody would notice and we quickly headed for the car. Back at the hospital by 7pm, we were admitted again, but this time for all of the right and much anticipated reasons. After...all the fun things you do during labor, Olive Claire Marshall was born at 2:34am on February 8th, her due date. We brought her home on Monday evening, and are enjoying being home together as a family.
congrats guys! She is SO beautiful! oh I wish we were there to come visit you guys. you guys were the first ones to come see brooke in the hospital! but we're sending our loves. Olive is just perfect! What a beautiful name.
Congratulations again! I can't wait to see her again tonight!
She's so beautiful. Good job guys. Can't wait until I get me turn to snuggle her. Love you all.
Congratulations!!! She is just beautiful!!
Yay Andi! She is perfect. And you will be such a great, fun mom. Olive is one lucky girl to go home to that nursery too. I love it. Congratulations!
CONGRATS!!!!!! What a doll, she is such a cutie!
What fun you had before she arrived!!! :) All worth it though right? - She is a dolly! Very beautiful - congratulations!
Oh my, kidney stone!!! I hear delivery is a breeze after that. True?
A great big congratulations to you three! What a beautiful little girl and perfect name. (Kendon just said, "that sounds just like an Andi name.") I hope we can be in Boise at the same time some time soon. I'd love to give a squeeze to the little babe.
I can't believe you were lucky enough to birth two things in one day... Poor thing! Olive looks so beautiful! Congrats! Post more pictures!
i just talked to scott and he said, "of all the names i would have thought andi would use, that would be the one."
crazy, eh? it really is a perfect name.
and she is so cute!
i just tried calling you . . . let's talk!
Andi, She's so beautiful! And you look amazing! What an eventful day - one you'll always remember. Her name is so cute - and I agree with everyone else that it totally fits with a name you would pick!
Enjoy these first days with your little girl and give her a squeeze for me! Praying for you guys.
Congrats Andi!! She is so beautiful!!
i L-O-V-E her!
i am so sorry you had to deal with kidney stones too. remember when i had kidney stones our freshman year of college? ugh. they are NO fun and i am sad you had to deal with that pain too.
i love you so much and so happy for the three of you! can't wait to love on her!
I already told you this earlier on the phone, but at least, AT LEAST, it was Nordstrom... Where they provide red carpet service. If disasterous things your have happened when your water broke at the cafe, you better believe 4 very attentive Nordstrom ladies would have been RIGHT by your side... And you'd be in a new outfit, new makeup, and had a goodie bag of perfume samples to take with you to the hospital! So glad it didn't have to come to that... But also so glad she made her debut at a shopping mall. We will be best friends forever.
andi- she is beautiful! congratulations to you. you are in for a VERY fun ride! enjoy every minute of it!!!
love- kim bigelow atchley
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