It's been a couple of weeks since I last posted, so here is a quick recap of the Marshall "doings." Nate and Julie came to Denver the middle of April to sign a lease on an apartment prior to the big move in June. We got to hang out while they were here, eating out, movie watching and hot tubing mostly. We've already talked about summer camping, fishing, and exploring...I love SUMMER, and we're so excited for them to get here!
Speaking of summer, the weather here has been teasing us lately, 75 degree days intermixed with occasional snow, but Spencer and I were able to go out last weekend exploring. We hiked around at Red Rocks, and I'm dying to see a concert there now. It's AMAZING! My camera died so we only got away with one picture,which isn't the greatest, but we're definitely going back soon. We drove up Bear Creek Canyon and looped around to Deer Creek Canyon and explored the "backwoods" of Denver. It was a lot of fun to finally be out and about in nice weather.
This last weekend Spencer and I put together another ward activity and then skipped over to a work event downtown. It was a charity event themed "Toga party" and I've never seen more goofy looking rich people dressed up in Greek garb. There was a silent auction, an incredible dinner and a short program. It was fun to hang out with some of Spencer's co-workers, and it was a good excuse to dress up for a night on the town.
And...photography is officially back in full swing. I've got a full week of appointments starting tomorrow and the following weeks are filling in nicely. Thank goodness! I'm more than ready to say goodbye to this winter temp job.

Well, Mom and Dad made the long drive home on Friday, but the Peterson's hung around for a whole other week. My sister is the greatest, and it was so fun to have her come to visit. She really is my best friend and her kids are so fun. We loved having kids in our home to play with and laugh at all the silly things they do and say. Some of the week 2 adventures included: Alvin and the Chipmunks, Horton Hears a Who and 27 Dresses that Alisa and I snuck away to while Spencer supervised the sleeping kiddos. We spent an evening at the Children's Museum where Ella had a love/hate relationship with her armadillo...we think...costume. We enrolled the kids in a playgroup/gym class, we shopped a little, hung out at the park, made sugar cookies, paper airplanes, forts, and lots of pirate and dragon coloring pages. Alisa and I went to the Hotel Cafe Tour Friday night which was overall pretty great minus some Jim Bianco guy that I wanted to throw tomatoes at, and the fact that I wore heals and then found out that it was a standing concert that lasted 3 1/2 hours, but Ingrid Michaelson was well worth it. Spencer had a nightly wrestling match with Owen, and Ella contributed a pretty good body slam a time or two as well. We hit up Chucky Cheese's of course, which the kids loved and Alisa and I took headaches away from, and the cupcake cafe stop was pretty yummy. It was so fun to have them, and always sad to watch them leave but we're excited to meet up again at the Oregon Coast in June. Love you guys.
p.s. looking back at the post I should have probably made a slideshow...sorry for the million pictures.

My parents and little brother Tanner drove in from Boise on Saturday March 22nd for spring break, and my sister and her 2 kids took the train from Chicago and got into Denver the following Tuesday. It was so fun to have family around, and the 2 weeks of family adventures went by way too fast.
Some of my favorite highlights from the first week were: Playing guitar with Dad, having kids around to wrestle with, bowling of course...such nerds, Hammond's candy factory tour, mini golf...nerds again, but so fun, taking advantage of Nana and Papa's hotel hot tub, eating out on Dad...another tradition I love, movies and ice cream and Mom's home cooking and key lime pie. As I've gotten older and my visits with Mom and Dad have become fewer, I realize more and more how lucky I am to have such great parents. I have never questioned their love for me nor their focus in life to do the right things. They are great examples to me of faith and love and patience, not to mention good humor. Thanks for coming you guys.