We've been tagged to do a "couples quiz"...seems appropriate considering the upcoming holiday. Here goes...
How long have you and your significant other been together?
Started dating around Thanksgiving of 2002, did the long distance thing for a semester while I was in Hawaii in 2003, a few off months that summer, and then we were engaged in April of 2004 and married on June 19th, 2004...so hmm a little over 5 years I'd say. We'll have been married 4 years this June.
Who eats more?
spencer, hands down, he usually finishes mine.
Who said "I love you" first?
i did, the only kid i've ever said it to.
Who is taller?
spencer 6'2" vs. 5'6"
Who sings better?
actual singing, me, but spencer can mimic voices amazingly, so funny!
Who is smarter?
school/book smarts: me, if you go by grades and gpa. if it's history, geography, or politics, then spencer for sure. i'm going to say tie.
Who does the laundry?
usually me.
Who does the dishes?
usually me.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
looking at the bed, we recently switched, so me now.
Who pays the bills?
Who mows the lawn?
don't have one, but i'm giving that one to spencer when we do.
Who cooks dinner?
usually me, but sometimes spencer on weekends (spicy).
Who drives when you are together?
almost always spencer.
Who is more stubborn?
we're both pretty stubborn, but i'd say i win this one.
Who is the first to admit when they're wrong?
spencer, i'm not nearly as good at this.
Whose parents do you see the most?
spencer's when we were in north carolina, neither very often now that we're in colorado
Who kissed who first?
spencer kissed me, in my truck on his b-day in 2002 he says i gave him "the eyes," i say he just wanted to kiss me.
Who proposed? spencer, funny story, ask him sometime.
Who is more sensitive?
probably spencer, though i cry quite often about churchy stuff, or when i get advice from dad.
Who has more friends?
i'll steal al's answer on this one, i have more close friends that I keep in touch with, but spencer generally makes friends with anyone he meets, he can talk to anyone. walking by the chair massage guy at whole foods yesterday for instance.
Who has more siblings?
me, 5 kids in my family, 3 in spencer's.
Who wears the pants?
we're both pretty independant, but spencer says me...i'll conceed, i like pants.
1 comment:
What a cute little quiz! It was fun reading about you two. Happy Valentine's Day!
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