Tuesday, October 4, 2011

some things we've been doing

recently, and in no particular order:

ran walked a 5k with my mom. who are we kidding we were there for the social aspect and the food, the "fitness" was a bonus, and we had a great time.

spencer ripped out a few rogue bushes in our front yard.
simple enough right...?
a borrowed pick-ax
a borrowed wheelbarrow
two punctured sprinkler lines
two trips to lowes and a yard full of neighbors...
let's just say we've officially broken the ice.

olive had her first trip to the dentist.
she saw "the fish hook on a stick" and totally clammed up; like sweaty with a quivering lip. BUT, she still got a sticker and a toothbrush and we'll try again in 6 months. (it was much too traumatic for pictures)

harrison is officially hand and knee crawling and pulling himself up to standing all in the same week.
we bought a YELLOW couch off craigslist. i'm in love.

I GOT A HAIRCUT! this is big people. it's at least 4 months overdue, and i'm a short hair person, or at least i was. why is it so hard to pick up the phone sometimes?
olive test drove her 2011 halloween costume. it passed, she hasn't taken it off since.
we can't seem to get enough of nana around here.
olive's become a pro at her hotwalk balance bike and she's fast.
her latest "thing" is leading music. she'll lead music on tv, sitting in the cart in the store, standing in the aisle at church, ever since we saw tanner (my brother the drum major) at the football game she is obsessed. it's really quite entertaining.


robin said...

how do you go that long without a hair cut? you're crazy!

i love all the pictures... love them.

aubry. said...

looks like robin and i both waited until our magical vacation was over to catch up on blog comments.

i love that yellow couch. i can't wait to see it in real life.