Saturday, January 15, 2011

still waiting.

we've had an eventful week, just not the events we hoped would occur.

i've come down with some sort of head fun.

olive spent a few hours in the ER on monday night after passing out and throwing up. she's okay now, but we all slept on the floor beside her with a puke bowl handy just in case.

i walked a lot on tuesday, wednesday, thursday and friday the 14th which came and WENT.

and, this morning 2 of the 5 adults in the house including me have the stomach flu.

not ideal circumstances to bring a newborn home too.
so, i'm thinking i might be pregnant forever...


robin said...

thanks for the update. i've been wondering...

feel better!

Alisa said...

geez...hope you feel better soon...and that baby comes asap!

MiShelle said...

YUCK! We all had the stomach flu right before Thanksgiving...I''m still scarred. You poor thing. I'll be thinking healing thoughts for you! Thanks for the update- I've been waiting to hear word. Can't wait to meet your new bundle!!!!! Yay for you!!!!