born jan 17, 2011
8lbs 13.2 ounces
dark hair
blue eyes
cleft chin just like his daddy
killer smile
the story:
4am monday morning:
i woke up to a rough contraction and what i was pretty sure was my water breaking... i timed contractions for an hour or so, called the doctor on call and headed to the hospital.
made it through triage (whew, it was my water breaking) and we were admitted.
contractions were coming regularly but at inconsistent intervals, so we walked, sat in the jacuzzi tub, sat on a giant rubber ball, walked some more...yada.
we called my mom to give her an update that things were progressing slowly.
things picked up and i started asking about the epidural, they started the IV drip in preparation.
sometime after that... i have no idea:
i was a 9.5 and asking, maybe not so patiently for the anesthesiologist.
she FINALLY came but said it was too late and gave me an interthecal injection instead.
enter mom. three contractions later we had our baby boy, and i thoroughly enjoyed the warm numbness of my lower half part way through pushing and long afterwards.
he's such a sweet and handsome boy. he's sleeping great, (2) 5 hour stretches last night and he's eating like a champ. we feel so lucky to have him in our home.