the makers of this spoof could care less. though they'll likely be the winners of this coveted prize, i'm betting the reward for this video with almost 500,000 hits in less than a week will be much better than a makeover from ke$ha.
can you say:
u-tube home page-check
link from timemagazine.com-check
...the film crew for a major motion picture-i wouldn't be surprised
if you've seen ke$ha's music video for "tik tok" and are aware of the competition to spoof it, if you like obscure star wars references, if you'd like to see a man princess leia, or if you're curious as to the creativity of my brother-in-law ty and his coworker eddie...
this is worth a view.
if it doesn't make sense to you just go with it, nearly 500,000 other views have.
Wow!!!!! Thanks!!!!!! Miss you guys!!! Let's plan more trips this summer!!!
That video of your bros was funny! I want that blue bike, and that asian guy was awesome! I heart luke skywalker.
whoa, that's just crazy now.
but totally clever. i gave it a watch or two.
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