chicken wire, cellophane, tissue paper, plastic cups, plastic forks, soda bottle rings, paper, fake snow and a few light bulbs.
the best example since i started work at anthropologie in 2005 of "ordinary to extraordinary" sorry for the poor i-phone photos, it's all i had at the time, but these windows, made me proud.
definitely worth a trip to your local store.
and the birds...
That's amazing. Makes me want to go shopping...I think a trip to BODO is in order for all of the after Christmas sales!
don't forget the green fluff balls that all the gay dudes loved... oh, the topiaries... what a hit.
and... those cards (the ones with all the hole punches in them) we used in the very first window display - with the red, green, blue yarn... they're back at the slc anthro. i told jen all about "my anthropologie days" when i saw those.
or, ooh... the wiggly, giggly felt for the jewelry displays that lasted for.ev.er.
you're definitely my hippest friend.
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