chicken wire, cellophane, tissue paper, plastic cups, plastic forks, soda bottle rings, paper, fake snow and a few light bulbs.
the best example since i started work at anthropologie in 2005 of "ordinary to extraordinary" sorry for the poor i-phone photos, it's all i had at the time, but these windows, made me proud.
definitely worth a trip to your local store.
and the birds...
we went all out this year for thanksgiving.bought the whole bird, did a 24 hour brine, stuffed it with fresh herbs, basted every 30 minutes on the big day. i'm not a huge fan of turkey, but this year it was delicious. nate, julie and clara came over, and clara and olive celebrated their first thanksgiving together.it's been so fun living by my brother and his family and we were especially grateful to spend the holiday with them this year.i love the holiday season, and the way it stops our running around and forces us to think about the important things.
we're currently facing another big change and the all too familiar uncertainty that comes with a move, but this year, more than ever before, i'm grateful for my family. spencer, olive and the rest of them. they always have been and continue to be my constant.
happy holidays.