Happy 1st Father's Day Spencer! When I was in Boise over Memorial Day I had my good friend Cindy take some photos of Olive and I for Spencer for Father's Day. You're such a good daddy Spencer and your girls love you very much! Happy father's day to our Dads as well, we're so lucky to have you!
I was in San Diego last weekend for business, and my lovely friend Aubry was there as well. I was able to fly in early and meet up with her for a day of shopping in San Clemente. Her family was so nice to let me crash at their house Friday night, and then drive me to the convention center the next day, not to mention the yummy breakfast and fresh juice from their citrus trees that morning. Oh, and the yummy mexican food, heavenly cupcakes, In-N-Out cheeseburgers, Aubry's homemade trifle, and on and on. Thanks for everything Aubry, it was so fun to see you!
I forgot my camera of course, see here for pictures of the fun.