chicken wire, cellophane, tissue paper, plastic cups, plastic forks, soda bottle rings, paper, fake snow and a few light bulbs.
the best example since i started work at anthropologie in 2005 of "ordinary to extraordinary" sorry for the poor i-phone photos, it's all i had at the time, but these windows, made me proud.
definitely worth a trip to your local store.
and the birds...
we went all out this year for thanksgiving.bought the whole bird, did a 24 hour brine, stuffed it with fresh herbs, basted every 30 minutes on the big day. i'm not a huge fan of turkey, but this year it was delicious. nate, julie and clara came over, and clara and olive celebrated their first thanksgiving together.it's been so fun living by my brother and his family and we were especially grateful to spend the holiday with them this year.i love the holiday season, and the way it stops our running around and forces us to think about the important things.
we're currently facing another big change and the all too familiar uncertainty that comes with a move, but this year, more than ever before, i'm grateful for my family. spencer, olive and the rest of them. they always have been and continue to be my constant.
happy holidays.

olive has:
thrown up 3 times
spiked a fever of 102been to the doctor 3 times
had 1 chest x-ray
been diagnosed with pneumonia
started her first prescription antibiotics
had 4,952 messy diapers
developed 1 serious diaper rash
watched kung-fu panda 5 times
and slept with mom a dad 10 nights in a row
spencer has:spiked a fever of 104
bothered dr. jared 14 times
been to urgent care 1 time
been diagnosed with h1n1
started antibiotics
developed respiratory complications
got a temporary inhaler
all while being super dad because...
andi has:spiked a fever of 102called dr. andrew 18 timescalled mom 36 timeswished mom was here 444 timesbeen to urgent care 1 time
been to the doctor 1 time
been diagnosed with h1n1 AND a sinus infection
taken 3 different antibiotics, 2 over the counter decongestants, 3 nasal sprays and 5,863 ibuprofenmissed 4 days of work
and received 2 meals from the relief societynow that we're finally feeling better the winter storm warning is in full effect and we're cooped up inside waiting for 20+" of snow to accumulate on our front step.the bright side...i guess we wont be waiting in line with the rest of you for the h1n1 vaccine.

so, tuesday morning after the jason mraz concert at red rocks, aubry had this brilliant idea that we should road trip to boise the coming weekend to surprise cindy and see him again....okay i said.
i booked a flight to salt lake and friday morning i was on my way. i met up with aubry and we made the familiar trek from salt lake to boise. saturday morning we hit up the farmers market, shopping in bodo, a cupcakery, and costa vida before heading off to the show. it was AMAZING! totally different show from red rocks, tiny venue, 16th row seats on the floor, close encounter while he and toca played their encore on the floor in the middle of the crowd AND he played "you and i both," i shrieked like a little girl and than gasped at the fact that i shrieked like a little girl. it was incredible, and olive was a great little road trippin' companion. thanks mom for taking her early and for watching her again while i relived my college spontaneity.
...i love him.

clara suzanne frederiksenborn thursday september 3rd, 20099 lbs 8 ounces! congratulations nate and jule.we're so glad she's finally here!
"let me play in the sunshinelet me shout for joylet me grow in the lightlet me splash in the rainand remember the days of my childhood forever."

Turned around the other night and found this. Good man, love it, absolutely love it!