I spent last week in Utah with my sister and her family. They have been there for the past 6 weeks while Andrew has been doing an away rotation for medical school. My Mom and Grandma drove in from Boise for the week, and my good friend Aubry threw me an adorable little baby shower on Saturday. So many of my favorite people are in Utah and it was so fun to be with family and good friends.
Go ahead an oogle over Aubry's shower decorations. She is amazingly creative and wonderful, and the best cook ever! That banana bread I've been craving since I left Rexburg 4 years ago did not disappoint. Everything was just perfect.(and send me pictures if you have them, I ended up without a Shanty girls photo...boo.)
Thanks to everyone who came from near and far to celebrate with us. I just think the world of you all.
I've also attached a few pictures of my niece Ella. I photographed her while I was there and I'd say she's on her way to winning the upcoming Gap-Kids casting call, what do you think?
yay for the new post!
although, i am SO sad to see pictures of your baby shower because i wasn't there. wah. and aubry did an amazing job, of course.
you are the cutest pregnant person ever. you're adorable adorable adorable. and your niece, so cute! and what a great photog you are.
You make such a cute pregnant lady!! I'm glad you had such a wonderful shower. And Ella is just gorgeous. I love her curly hair!
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