dec 21
6:30am spencer heads out on the 13 hour trip from denver to boise
7:30am andi drives to the circuit city near i25 and hwy36 to bring him his cell phone
9am-3pm andi's last day and send off lunch at the water for people office in denver
9am-4pm julie wrangles two babies all day without any catastrophies (she's a saint!)
dec 22
1am spencer arrives safely in boise...whew
spencer spends the day unpacking 1/2 our junk into my parents basement
andi works from home and andi, olive, nate, julie and clara anxiously await the trip home the next day.
dec 23
6am andi, olive, nate, julie and clara load up and head to the airport
11am andi, olive, nate, julie and clara finally board a plane to boise and barely make the connection (thanks for holding the plane mr. southwest! stupid air travel.)
3pm andi, olive, nate, julie and clara finally arrive
5pm unload the contents of our moving truck into a storage unit and ditch the monster at penske, thank goodness.
10pm the peterson's arrive and the christmas holiday begins!
10 adults 2 kids and 3 babies all under one roof, you can imagine the chaos, and it was wonderful!
dec 24: goofy gift exchange, highlights include a fart in a diaper, a french fry phone, a hobo survial kit and lots of popping balloons...poor clara. we had christmas eve at great grandma's as usual, and the kids loved great grandpa's annual scavenger hunt for gifts
dec 25: christmas day starts at 7am (thanks to owen and ella) and it was so much fun to all be together.
the rest of the week included, a shopping day for the girls, beatles rock band, a day of snowshoeing for the boys, beatles rockband, "where the wild things are" and "fantastic mr. fox" at the theater, the marshall family secret toffee, a snowman, plastic sack boots, a snowball fight, a gingerbread house, a blond dyed brunette, dinner with old friends, late nights, good food and a traditional midnight trip to merrit's (don't ask, it's not a classy joint), and this surprise package from aubry, genius in gift giving, genius!
jan 4: we finally unpack our boxes and settle in.
i completed my first week of working remotely. spencer hit the books hard, and olive is starting to get adjusted to a more consistent schedule and familiar surroundings.
happy new year. we're excited to see what's in store for 2010.
...a wedding in march for one thing. yeah cindy and travis!