olive has:
thrown up 3 times
spiked a fever of 102been to the doctor 3 times
had 1 chest x-ray
been diagnosed with pneumonia
started her first prescription antibiotics
had 4,952 messy diapers
developed 1 serious diaper rash
watched kung-fu panda 5 times
and slept with mom a dad 10 nights in a row
spencer has:spiked a fever of 104
bothered dr. jared 14 times
been to urgent care 1 time
been diagnosed with h1n1
started antibiotics
developed respiratory complications
got a temporary inhaler
all while being super dad because...
andi has:spiked a fever of 102called dr. andrew 18 timescalled mom 36 timeswished mom was here 444 timesbeen to urgent care 1 time
been to the doctor 1 time
been diagnosed with h1n1 AND a sinus infection
taken 3 different antibiotics, 2 over the counter decongestants, 3 nasal sprays and 5,863 ibuprofenmissed 4 days of work
and received 2 meals from the relief societynow that we're finally feeling better the winter storm warning is in full effect and we're cooped up inside waiting for 20+" of snow to accumulate on our front step.the bright side...i guess we wont be waiting in line with the rest of you for the h1n1 vaccine.