Last Monday, Spencer decided that despite his lack of training rides, that he was going to ride the Triple Bypass again this year. I had already planned to throw a baby shower for my sister in-law on the same day, so we got up early and I dropped him off in Evergreen, CO between 5am and 6am on Saturday morning to start the ride. The shower started at 11am and was a ton of fun (can't wait for that new baby) and then Nate and Julie decided to ride to Avon with me to greet Spencer at the finish line. We thought for sure we'd have time to make it there before he came in, but 30 minutes outside of Avon we got a call that he had already completed the ride. Not only was it 120 miles over 4 mountain passes (there were only 3 last year), but he finished in faster time. Training...who needs training. Well, we quickly adjusted our signs, wore our homemade groupie t-shirts and had a good time meeting up anyways. We grabbed dinner in Vail and then rode the gondola to the top of the mountain before making the trip home. It was a day packed full of fun and we all slept like babies when we got home that night. Way to go Spencer, we're so proud of you!